When people hear "Gamification" they probably cringe a little. In a world where mere words become overhyped business buzzwords in a nanosecond (and I think we have used all of the best ones on this site) gamification now has a place on the business buzzword bingo card. Further, there is probably skepticism as managers give in to fears of a distracted workforce doing nothing more than playing games all day.

Gamification's status as a buzzword is a shame as the reality is powerful. As humans, part of our very nature is to play. That instinct is encoded within us. Gamification done well leverages the nature of play, fun, competitiveness, and passion and creates captivating experiences that can be leveraged for behavioral change and can boost business results.

Gamification, when designed properly, could be of significant use as a core offering in the enterprise. When it is done well gamification can be used to convert customers into fans, turn work into fun, or make learning a delight.

Good planning is what makes gamification successful and sustainable. Megaphone Studios is here to help you engineer a well-designed gamified experience. We can help you determine if gamification fits the culture and direction of your company and if your goals can be achieved with this valuable tool. If gamification is a good fit, we can work side-by-side with you to frame goals and objectives, lay the groundwork for social connection, define the gaming experience and the infrastructure to support it, and build the game mechanics.

70% of Global 2000 businesses will be managing at least one gamified application or system by 2014. Since 2008, the number of people playing video games in the U.S. has risen 241%. Gamification is a powerful tool that will be benefitting the strategy of many companies in the very near future. Megaphone Studios can apply our experience to help your company benefit from this compelling tool